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Wednesday 13 May 2020

Doing the Work with Disabilities - (3588)

Master Samael says that all that we need to do the work is a healthy body and mind. But even if we don't have a healthy body and mind we can still work on ourselves. It is just at times a bit more difficult, more challenging as we can all appreciate.

We have a student that is not all that well physically and unfortunately he is often distracted in class because of the physical pain he feels. He says that often, most of the meditations that we do with him he devotes to just relaxing out the pain. But for him he says the pain does go away and he can then concentrate.
Often our physical conditions do bring up many egos, giving us much material to work through. Such as frustration, anger, fear, worry, anxiety, despair or depression etc. In cases such as this to have the work is a real help.

None the less we have to work with what we have. If we wait for things to get better, we may never do any work on ourselves.

Sometimes we need to devote all of our energies into getting better and sometimes when it is an ongoing thing, that is, it is not going to heal so quickly, we should start to do the work.

If we can't see or hear well, we need to find a way to receive the teachings, because without the teachings we can't work well on ourselves. We need somehow to receive them, and as much of them as we can handle. There are many ways these days in which people who have disabilities can receive information. It would be a matter of seeking out the means from life to get one of these technologies or methods to work for you. Sorry I can't help much there.

None the less with our eye sight poor we are forced to develop our concentration and imagination. With that developed we can see and perceive so much that others with good sight do not see or read. Like reading between the lines is not for our physical sight but for our inner sight and our intelligence. We can still observe ourselves and we can still see the images in our mind and so we can work a lot on our mind and psychology.

Once a person with bad eyes or ears has received the teachings and has understood them they can verify for themselves everything in the teachings. They can work psychologically and esoterically in all the senses and fields. Many great masters were blind or even deaf.

End (3588).


  1. Is it possible to cure a disability or in some cases you have to bear with it all your life?

  2. It is possible, it just depends on the karma behind it. If it is a kamaduro then one has to pay until it has all been paid.
