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Wednesday 20 May 2020

I'm Brave Because you are not Brave, then am I Brave? - (3601)

This is a mind game, this is being stuck in relativity and duality, where in reality you are neither.

You are brave because the other person is not. You are brave because of duality. That is brave because there is another factor to compare against. You are brave in relation to or relative to the other person. 

Take away the other person then you are not brave. You are defined as brave all depending on what the other person does. If they become brave then you will be a coward.

What are you then? You are what depends on others!

What you are is what you are in your Being. That is what you really are in reality!!!

Cowards were punished severely in the red army, all knew it.

We though don't see ourselves that way we see ourselves relative to others, which is to lose ourselves altogether.

Within you, you have egos of fear and values of the Being. The more egos of fear you have the less brave we are, but on the flip side the braver we can be. 

Conclusion, brave and coward don't exist, only values polarised with or against the inner Being. 

However, the work is there sitting above the mind for us to chose. Chose to reduce the duality by dissolving the ego and become one. 

End (3601).

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