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Wednesday 20 May 2020

Psychological Work can Fix a Sick Organ - (3602)

Not all the time, but definitely when there is a mental process that is directly reaching and affecting an organ.

For example, the thoughts of one ego may through the brain and nervous system tense or stress a muscle or organ producing pain, soreness and blockages, which then have knock on effects for the whole body.

Working on the ego, that is working on its thoughts that impulse, tense and exert pressure on an organ, actually relieves that organ from that ego imposed stress. Hence taking away the pain and soreness, and restoring its natural function. Sometimes this takes some time or sometimes it takes very little time.

Fear is an ego that can do this, affecting one's stomach, digestion and breathing. The egos of lust and the egos that are about losing the sexual energy affect the sexual organs. Anger affects the heart as does pride. Worry wracks the brain.

If you are unwell and you really know, I mean you really know: no assuming or inferring or logically concluding that a particular ego is affecting your health then work hard on it. But if you just don't know, see a doctor for sure and pray to the Masters of the medicine.

End (3602).

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