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Thursday 14 May 2020

Mini-Skirt Bucket Anecdote - (3591)


When I did my missionary course in Toronto Canada, it was given by a husband and wife team. The husband was a French man - good guy and his wife is one of Master Samael's grand daughters. They had spent quite a bit of time they told us staying with V.M Litelantes: Master Samael's wife after they married and they had only recently left staying with her to travel to Toronto. 

They related a story one day, where some people came to visit Mistress Litelantes to ask for some advice or similar and one of those visitors was a young Mexican lady dressed in a mini skirt. Ok, the young lady in a mini shirt was there waiting in a room then suddenly out came Mistress Litelantes with a bucket of water and just dowsed her with it and said something like to the effect of  either "get changed or get dressed" something like that. 

It would apply for a man as well, singlets or shorts could well get the same bucket of water.


It makes one think doesn't it? Why the bucket?

Maybe we may find it a bit harsh at first but lets think beyond that... One thing I have learnt is that we have to learn to go beyond our offences to learn valuable lessons. Stuck in being offended stops all growing and learning.  

In general the personality protests about this. Saying: "it's only the body, they shouldn't be bothered by it, I'm not hurting anyone, they have the problem not me, they are in the wrong". 

The masters are not interested in pleasing our personality they are interested in educating our consciousnesses. In the case of this Mexican lady her consciousness was not too active. She was not really aware of the event and the main activity of the event. Read on to see more. 


This anecdote means that the masters don't really find that style of dressing appropriate, right? Otherwise there would not have been a bucket of water. 

Every occasion has an appropriate type of dress. That's for sure. It seems not quite matching to visit a spiritual Master dressed as if you were going to the beach or to a night club or pub, where a big part of those environments is about catching the eye of others.

Consciousness Matching

It is not quite conscious is it? Because to be conscious is to match the external event with the right internal state. A person who is dressed like that has an internal state that is not really matching what they are doing physically. 

What they are doing physically is seeking advice of a spiritual nature and if one is truly uniting all the spheres of themselves together they would realise that their attire should match their wishes and not contradict it. Like you are going to a job interview you would wear something that shows that you are serious and are interested in the job.

They may just be really unaware that they are going to see a spiritual master and just treat the spiritual master as if the master were like another person walking in the park. They are not aware that the spiritual master has different values to the person in the park. The person in the park may be impressed by the mini-skirt but a spiritual master having other priorities and things that are of a different value won't care.

It is also a lack of respect to wear clothing that is designed to impress the lower desires. It is to treat the master as if they value or are into that sort of thing. In any case the spiritual master is fighting to dissolve these lower desires and having such impressions is something that does not help them.

Lets face it in this day and age scantily clad people outside of the right environment mostly make people nervous. Well in Australia anyway. Just imagine seeing a naked man walking into a supermarket, people will be really scared thinking that he is crazy or that he is going to do something violent or that he will try and force himself onto people etc.

So even though there is nothing wrong with a naked body, because it is our real nature and we are all really that way, it is definitely not received or taken that way in this western society. In other societies it is fine no problem, like in some of the tribes in the Amazon and in Papua New Guinea. 

Due to the inferior octave of development upon which humanity is unfolding and upon which there is a huge inversion of values: what is natural is now taken with fear and what is unnatural is accepted in this particular sense and in general in many other areas also.

End (3591).

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