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Thursday 14 May 2020

Many Five Minute Breaks - (3593)

One important thing to know about the work on ourselves, is that it is accumulative. Meaning, that via the accumulation of effort, merit, energy, practice, etc. we get our results. 

So we want to keep this accumulation going.

To keep up a level of consciousness or psychological work during the day so that the accumulation continues, is quite hard. So this post is about giving a suggestion that I am using, and it helps.

Do regular five minute practices. Step out for five minutes, go inside, clear the mind, pray and go deeper inside. Find what you are working on and do a bit of work on it. Send the fire of the Divine Mother on to it or intensify your awareness, whichever it is that you are working on.

Then back to work or whatever we are engaged in, then repeat regularly and consistently.

End (3593).

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