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Tuesday 19 May 2020

Self-Importance What's Your Remedy? - (5255)

Useful Definitions of Self-Importance

A most useful one is: "pain". Sometimes the technical definitions are ah just so unmotivating...

The opposite of an ego as definition is always so useful. The opposite of self-importance is the priority of the Being (or anything Being related) within us.

It's good not to turn a blind eye on it. It can creep up and give us a mighty unpleasant bite...

I'll tell you how it mainly works. This is what we need to know, because this is where the pain is. Read the following paragraph...

But just before I go on, on a long winding explanation, the key with self-importance is that when we are feeling the pain of self-importance we have forgotten our inner Being. The inner Being is no longer important to us, It has become second or third or fourth place in us. The opposite of self-importance is to make the purpose and seeking out of our inner Being and our inner work the most important thing in our life. If we apply this we have a very effective remedy for the "I" of self-importance. 

Where the Pain Is At

So it all stems from the central concept: "I am important!" or another version of the same is: "Me my myself is important!". But thinking either of the two latter statements doesn't hurt us or cause us pain. It only begins to hurt when others don't or apparently don't follow that law: that "I am important and more important than you or them".

It is no law in reality. But self-importance believes it should be a law, that everyone, even a cat should respect. I'll get back to this very important point later. For now back to the pain...

When others seem to us, to not think or feel or act in accordance with this law which states "I am important", what results is: negative thinking then pain then anger, negative thinking again then pain again then anger again, etc. A cycle.

How do people apparently break this law?

By not giving us first place in thoughts and emotions, by ignoring us, by  making us wait, by not recognizing us, by giving other things more importance, by not echoing our sentiments, by forgetting about us or something that we asked for, etc. etc.  

Castaneda hits the nail on the head.

It is very relative isn't it. The pain we feel from the central statement, concept or law of self-importance which is that: "I am important!" comes out of relativity, that is, in relation to others being more important than us.

I don't want to be crude or harsh, but I want to emphasis that this 'law' I mentioned above is a BS law! 

Don't believe me, really look deep at it and conclude it for yourself. Your conclusion is where the power is at inside of you. This comprehension is the magic pain relieving lever! No comprehension of this = pain continues.

If this 'law' were real then everyone in the world will abide by it. But no one does because it isn't real. We create it and believe to be real. If it were real it would be so sickening wouldn't it? The whole world following the law: "I am important" and everyone has to give top priority to me, then nothing would get done. Total chaos, disorder, injustice everything bad, you name it, would spring out of that as a consequence.

See, it's a branch that stems from pride.

How to Avoid the Pain

The pain digs in for example when we think, "they are or it (the computer these days) is more important to him/her/them than I am". When we have to contemplate or face accepting second or third or fourth place or some other level of minor importance, self-importance goes nuts with the pain! So in such moments we earnestly cry out: WHERE IS THE REMEDY!

This one is true actually. 

She is touching on the remedy...


The above quotes are hitting on the remedy.

The remedy is not in 'them', i.e. forcing 'them' to make you important inside of 'them'. Self-importance has so many tactics to do this from rough and rude to subtle and conniving. 

We are important to them or we are not. Sometimes we are, sometimes we are not, and others are the same for us, sometimes others are important to us and sometimes not as much. True right? It fluctuates so often it can't be static, very little in life is truly static. What happens if we accept this and come to terms with it and accept it as a fact of life, and not feel less worthy or less real because of it.

The remedy is in self-remembering and going back inside and relating to ourselves and our inner Being. The Being is important to us and we are important to It. Because we are a part of it. With self-remembering we are complete, not forgotten because we are remembering ourselves, not waiting because we are already with ourselves, not second place or third or fourth because we are the only one with our inner Being, not unloved or unappreciated because we are loving our Being and that inner Being can only ever be loving us back in Its conscious way of loving us. Get the drift...

The thing is to practice this right in the heat of battle. Read the paragraph above and go to practice it! That is the only way to make the remedy work!!!!

Also knowing that we are relatively important, that we all have a real function on the Earth, certain people depend on us and we are important enough to occupy a real amount of space on the Earth, important enough to have a physical body etc. we can break that central concept of thinking that we are more important. The trouble is, as that quote above says, is in thinking that we are important, when we know that we are just as important as everyone else, we have a point to fight this ego and displace it.

Then again there is a great paradox here. If we look into space we see that the Earth is just a spec of dust and we are not even a millionth of that spec so we are not important at all before the cosmos.

End (5255).

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