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Monday 18 May 2020

Theory and Practice Discrepancy - (3599)

There's the theory and then there's the practice. There always seems to be a difference wherever you go and whatever you study. In Gnosis this applies.

When studying theory, there's the equations, all balanced and symmetrical. All is defined, complete, exact and known.

When studying the practice, the exactness and the 'all is defined and known' quality of theory become a little hazy.

Overall though the practice does follow the theory. But not exactly. There's always some minor discrepancies. Due to the presence of other intervening factors. 

In science often these discrepancies are due to external factors such as effects of temperature, air resistance, material impurities, mechanical friction, measurement device inaccuracies etc. 

In the practice of Gnosis the particular nature of our interior determines these differences.

End (3599).

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