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Friday 15 May 2020

The Jaguar is Appreciated - (3595)


The jaguar is a valued symbol. Valued for its boldness, fierceness, power, courage and resourcefulness.

Among the Aztec or Nahuatl the jaguar was highly regarded. It was given the name ocelotl. The very brave warriors in Aztec society were known as jaguars. There was even a clan of warriors known as the  jaguar knights.

What a beauty the jaguar is!

The Aztec especially appreciated the jaguar as it ran, climbed, jumped, swam and something else which sorry I forget now, meant to them that it dominated the four elements, and that was a unique set of qualities that was highly regarded.

Law Appreciates those Who are Like the Jaguar

The law respects courage and valour. The one who tries is seen with higher regard than the one who never tries.

This can be a point to consider in our path and in our life. Nature and the Law favour those who try and put something on the line more in relativity than those who never risk anything. Our inner Being is the same. Even we human beings are the same - we respect those who try over those who never try.

End (3595).

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