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Monday 11 May 2020

The Negative Ego Says: "it's all ...(fill in the blank)" - (3587)

Fierce Fight

Put up a fierce fight against that negative "I" that says in so many different ways: "that its all hopeless, useless, gone..." that its all $&!%..." etc. 

Its time to question furiously with rigour and for God's sake not believe that "I's" proclamation that all is wrong, ruined, bad, corrupt etc. 

Things are not ever all gone or all bad. There are levels and levels of 'bad'. The thing is that the "I" exaggerates. The interesting thing is that things live on and we are still thinking that they shouldn't because it is all 'bad'.

When one has been stuck in that perception that things are 'bad' and one lives through that and things were no way near as bad as that "I" projected we learn not to trust that "I" so much anymore and trust reality more. God is reality. God is certainly not fantasy or exaggeration. 


Reality is neither good nor bad, it is itself - what is real without a bad or good overtone. For us to either fight with it, accept it, love it, reject it, etc. One thing it is, is that it is often kinder than the exaggerations of our "I's".

As soon as we stop believing that "I's" point of view, Ah liberation, our emotional centre frees up, the anxiety lifts, the worry goes, the feelings of wrong, defeated, failed etc. go and a new horizon of action or no-action opens up.

Keys of Not Believing and Trust

That's the key don't believe in the ego. Don't trust its slant on things so easily and readily, question, question. 

When we don't trust the ego we are immediately automatically by default trusting something else. So if you ever have trouble with trusting the essence, that's an easy fix. As soon as you stop trusting an ego you are straight away trusting something else, like your essence, reality, the universe, the masters, the Being, God etc.

End (3587).

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