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Wednesday 3 June 2020

Alchemical Principle at Work in the Psychological - (3623)

Two opposite poles unite and via their union a third is produced which transforms the original two.

In our psychological work we have that.

When we work on an "I" we are discovering an unknown part of ourselves. It is like the encounter of the 'aware of' and the 'unaware of' parts of ourselves. In other words an encounter of two opposite poles of ourselves. 

As we work (observe, study, comprehend) on the 'unknown' we come to certain realizations about the 'unknown'. We finally see the essence trapped and as we work we bit by bit transform or better said de-condition the 'unknown' trapped essence.

The 'unknown' slowly as we work and work becomes more of the 'aware of', as it becomes more accessible. In other words the virtue begins to appear out of the defect. For example, we are working on lust and slowly the yearning to leave all those ways behind and unify our sexuality into one peaceful way of  transmuting - using our sexual forces in a dignified and loving way that enriches the essence and energises the Being within us.

Then the new 'aware of' (emerging freed essence) joins the already 'aware of' (existing free essence) and both are enriched and transformed as per the fundamental Alchemical notion.

End (3623).

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