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Wednesday 3 June 2020

Know the Frivolous Variation Quality of the Mind - (3630)

A quality of the very nature of the mental substance, is variety. The mental substance likes to vary and jump from one thing to the next.

For sure the worst thing to the mind is concentration but on the other hand that is the only thing that causes the mind to release its power, and that is also when it is most useful to us.

We see this in the behaviour inherent in many egos. 

The ego specialises in distraction. The ego of lust is always looking at others. The ego do to with spiritual ambition is always looking for different teachers, groups and books. Pride is always looking at different others to be better than, and so on for many of the egos that we have.

With focus we void much egoic influences and behaviour.

Loyalty is another word for that focus. This is easy to see in relation to spiritual ambition, lust and pride. In relation to spiritual ambition it would be focus on one's work, in relation to lust it would be focus on one's work with one's Being and Alchemical partner and in relation to pride it would be to focus exclusively on the work one has to do without comparison.

Much more comes from loyalty than disloyalty. 

End (3630).

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