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Tuesday 23 June 2020

Automatic Compensation Does not Address the Cause - (3652)

We have many compensation mechanisms in our psyche. Most of them work subconsciously. 

All of them that are subconscious attempt to make up for some lack or psychological discomfort or suffering.

These subconscious compensations do not actually address the root cause of the lack or discomfort.

They provide some relief, some forgetting but afterwards they take one back to beginning again, with the same void or suffering unaddressed.

The wise truth seeker would look deeper inside to delve into the actual suffering and find the real cause of discomfort.

When we break into that suffering we see that no one can really fully help us. Others can certainly help. But the solution is ours to forge. It is mostly a certain relationship with ourselves is not quite right, and it needs fixing.

People drink to not feel suffering, to feel happy showing by duality they need to
face the suffering, accept it, feel it, absorb it and transform it into feeling ok.  

I can't face myself, I can't deal with myself in that situation, I can't be with myself etc. It all boils down to there being some bad way of relating that is all packaged up in one ego or maybe two.

when one finds the egos at the cause, one sees how far away from addressing the cause the automatic response of compensation is.

The automatic compensation if we pay attention points always to a problem (sometimes exactly to it by duality) and in the case of fantasy it shows one by duality what qualities one is lacking.

End (3652).

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