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Monday 22 June 2020

Concentration on the Event to be More Awake - (3651)

Simple Goal

Many Gnostic people in the morning set for themselves a goal. One simple goal. To live their day being more awake. A little more awake than yesterday. 

Keeping this goal builds and accumulates over time, producing as only we can imagine - good things right.

To be awake during our day means noticing many thoughts and many egos. Noticing them, we can take some time to die in them.

In this post I am going to pass on a key from m.m.m. that has been very useful.

I am not sure why this is, for every one of us there are keys which work so much more effectively than others. What works to perfection in one person is 5% effective in another. Why that difference? Too complicated a mystery to contemplate perhaps...

Helpful Key

In each event, concentrate! As you concentrate on the event naturally you will begin to notice the various fantasies that you have about yourself and the event. Notice the fantasies and dispel them, or KRIM them or ask the Divine Mother to dissolve them. Just make them disperse though, that's the main task of this key.

Then concentrate again and as you do you will begin to see the realer nature of the event and your place and role in it. Then with our consciousness clear of cloudy fantasies we are being more awake in the event and we are living our day being more awake.

This key is a real pearl for those who fall asleep in events because the fantasies that they have, cloud their consciousness. I'll give you some examples below:

If we are walking, concentrate on walking left right left right etc. In a work meeting, concentrate on the content of the meeting knowing you are concentrating.


Walking along all dressed well for a meeting at work. "People are looking thinking - this that and the other...",  "auditors in the meeting are not looking too pleased", "A reprimand soon", "saved the day, diverted the scrutinizing eye of the auditors" etc. etc. Then later the auditors come back: "what about this?"-  diverted their eyes - nothing!
Walking through a 'well to do' area of the city, expensive apartments and wonderful views. "Maybe they'll invite me in for a cup of tea and let me see their view". "Maybe one day an old person with no family who lives there will see me and like me and put me in their will - ah just dreaming!". 

All total fantasy that cloud our consciousness over and cause us to fall asleep in the event and the day.

Concentrate the essence in the event and you will see the benefits, if this key is one that works for you.

End (3651).

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