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Wednesday 10 June 2020

Big Ego Means Big Ignoramus in a Given Area - (3635)

The bigger a person's egos are, the more ignorant they are to the realities of the area of life those egos move in.

The crux of this post is that if we learn to relate to something esoterically we will be create space inside of ourselves to be able to gradually put the egos aside more and more.

That is where the teachings come in. The teachings expand our understanding to see those realities that the big egos can't see.

Usually the big egos have a very materialistic view, they only see the physical.

The teachings expand our view to see the psychological as well as the esoteric.

To study the teachings is helpful to dissolve the egos.

The teachings give us the wider esoteric view. When we relate to something in the wider esoteric way we can begin to be able to really change.

If we see the sexual energy from the esoteric sense we begin to change in that area, when we see money esoterically we also begin to change - less greed and selfishness.

A very interesting key is to begin to study the teachings and learn how to see and relate to all these things in life from an esoteric point of view. Then we give ourselves the ability to give the ego less and less of a role in the different areas of life.

End (3635).

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