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Tuesday 9 June 2020

Some Notes on the Esoteric Science in Sex - (3634)


Presentation of some interesting esoteric details regarding sex.


Sex has a seven-fold scope. 

Sex is never complete considering only the physical. A more complete map of sex is to see it as seven-fold. That is as having seven dimensions, starting with the physical and extending to the spiritual.

Following Master Samael's teachings it even extends beyond the spiritual.

This point is totally ignored by the common view society has of sex, which only sees the physical. The "I's" of lust share this view. Actually they are responsible for this view. The view of lust is materialistic.

To conclude this point, if sex is at least seven fold, it has ramifications within us that are not only physical. It affects our emotion, our mind, our will, our consciousness and our spirit. Of course, in a beneficial or damaging way, depending on how it is used, and this is often also ignored.

Promiscuity and Fidelity and the True Value

Promiscuity is often the result of ignorance of the point explained above.

To the esotericist, the effects of promiscuity are considered on all seven planes. As pointed out above the effects will not limit themselves to the physical only. They will have consequences on the higher or more inner planes.  

The full value of sex appears when all seven planes are united. Logically this is evident.

To unite all seven planes means to bring all seven bodies of two human beings into union. 

The above does not sound easy. It implies much time, as a tender harmony between affections, intellectual sympathies, alignment of wills and an agreement of spiritual ideals all has to be struck or mated.

Of course anyone with "two fingers worth of a forehead" (dos dedos de frente) will understand that this takes time and is developed through an intimate relationship.

Promiscuity would not allow that as one would be starting this work over and over again with each new relationship.

Fleeting numerous unions can only touch the first plane, the physical, that is the senses and sensations. Nothing deeper results from that.

Therefore, to reach the full and true value of sex fidelity is needed. The truth is the full value, not just the first of the seven aspects.

Subtle Forces in Sex

When a sexual connection is made, the subtle forces of man and woman rush together creating like a vortex or mini twister.

As the energy of the two is not lost, the vortex can grow. It logically will extend as far up or internally as the union is taking place. 

If the couple love each other and are partaking of an esoteric endevour, work, they will be united on all seven planes, i.e. body, vitality, emotion, mind, will, consciousness and spirit, and their vortex will extend all the way up to their Being nourishing and transforming it.

If the their union is only in relation to body, that is they like each other’s body, through the senses and sensations the vortex will remain hovering around their physical body, not extending to nourish or influence the emotion, let alone the essence. 

In reality what happens in the above type of union is that the egos become active, then they drag this vortex into the subconscious where it feeds the subconscious, activating deeper subconscious elements and setting in place causes for further repetitions of this type of union. 

Karmic Links in Sex

When a sexual union takes place a karmic link is established. As well as of course a rapport. 

With sex the two bodies are linked, as well as both auras, and etheric bodies.

As an aside, in the case of two people there is a sexual sympathy when without sexual union the auras are able by virtue of their sympathy to unite and form a single auric shell. This is the origin of what is called ‘chemistry’.

If there is no vibratory affinity between two people the two auras will not mingle and form one. So there is natural protection. For example, when we sit next to any person because there is no vibratory affinity the auras don't mingle and all is normal - business as usual.

The auras unite, but also do the two psychological environments of both people. In that union of the two psychological environments an exchange of psychological influences takes place. 

It is then by virtue of these psychological influences that a karmic link can operate. If we act upon those psychological interests, likes, tendencies that we are exposed to when our psychological environment joins with the other's then we create a new ego and add the karmic value of that ego onto our scale. 

Those psychological influences stay in our psyche for a while, they dissipate over time, but none the less they collect there, and if a person has had many partners before there logically will be many psychological influences to fight against or rather use our psychological work to guard our essence against.

End (3634).

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