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Wednesday 24 June 2020

Blue Egg and Jinas - (3655)

Master Samael says that the chicken's egg has special properties related to the powers of Jinas.

He says the egg reminds us of the Orphic Egg or the cosmic egg from which creation gestated in and sprang forth from.

Wonderful - so how do you make sense of that?

Well, marvelous things take place inside an egg. From the fecundated yellow yoke and the transparent white albumen processes of forming and congealing and drawing in from space-energy take place.

So many new substances have to be made, organs, feathers, bones, claws, feet, a beak, eyes - my goodness me where does all those substances and atoms come from, that make those new parts of the chick. Magical processes really. It is a process of condensing energy down into matter. 

So with Jinas the reverse process occurs one goes from matter to energy. So the egg having the powers of creation, the egg also has the reverse - the power of absorption back into the higher dimensions, and this precisely is what Jinas is about.

The sexual energy normally goes down and out but it can be reversed using will and imagination to go in and up. If there is a downward force there is always an upward force. If there is a downward path there is always a return path.

So using concentration, will and imagination we do the Harpocrates practices with the blue egg for Jinas. That's why Master Samael said get an egg and imagine yourself to be inside the egg being acted upon by those forces present in the egg.

End (3655).

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