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Wednesday 24 June 2020

Person's Past Impacts You - (3654)


If we want to work on ourselves, this can be a very good area to work on. 

The impact of hearing a  person's past depends on the person and on what their past had to do with. 

If the area of the past is important to us or we consider it important we will feel an impact.

Usually, we had other ideas about the person's past, and this clash contributes to the impact.

Usually we have negative ideas about a person with a past like we just heard about.

Usually that person will be in our field of life. If they are not we are not likely to be too phased.  

Things that Help Transform

The following things are something that can help us to transform these impressions.

Why we feel bothered is because we project that they will be like that again or they are like that now. Which is most likely not true. We must see that it is our own projections that are bothering us.

We find that we can't accept that they could be like that. The remedy to that, is to begin to accept, slowly, gently bit by bit.

Fantasy takes over in us thinking that they are repeating their past or will repeat it. When we begin to see our own fantasies we actually can't handle our own fantasies, and we start rejecting the person, but it is our fantasies that we are really rejecting but we don't see that. Basically we have not accepted that area of our subconscious yet.

Knowing about their past is bringing up what we have in our subconscious and powerfully indicating to us that we need to work on that. When we do work on that we see that the impact and difficulty of accepting it all diminishes greatly.

The work can do marvelous things. The Christ is there to transform the bad past into the marvelous new future. St. Paul and Mary Magdalene were tremendous examples. The Intimate Christ works this way!

People deserve a second chance and if they are sincere they can change. Haven't we already had several second chances?

We don't know about the past lives of people do we? The people we are fine with now, in their past lives were really terrible, maybe so terrible that we would not be able to transform that at all. Even the person who has had a 'interesting' past this life could have been a saint in the last life. Things work like that in our past lives, things swing from one side to the next.

The present is 'now', and dwelling on the past means we miss right 'now' and we are not relating to the real person but a phantom that our mind has made up. We then stop seeing the real person and only see the unlikable phantom. In conclusion, we are dreaming again.

Due to those experiences that person is the way that they are now, and without those experiences they may not be the good way that they are. They have obviously learnt a lot and because of that learning they are not going to fall back into that, but we not having had that learning can fall into that.

We have to check with ourselves, have we been the same? Maybe we were or are and just don't see that. Or were we just as terrible but in a different area, while they were saints in that different area?

End (3654).

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