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Monday 15 June 2020

Classic Esoteric View on Self-Stimulation of the Generative Organs - (3636)

From the esoteric point of view, as is found in many esoteric books, where there is the loss of sexual energy, such a use is classed as something that draws away from the intelligent common sense use - which is the esoteric use of the sexual energy.

When the sexual energy is lost, a certain harm is done to the nervous system. The violent discharge of energy jars and shocks the nervous system. As well as jarring the brain. 

The relaxed inward and upward flow of the energy energises, heals and balances the nervous system as well as the brain.

The natural flow of the energy is for it to be returned to the Divinity from where it came. Instead it is sent illogically sent into space with no function or use.

Usually always the act of self-stimulation of the generative organs is done with fantasy. These fantasies create mental forms in the Etheric and astral dimensions which can be given life by certain low level invisible entities living in the inferior astral that then turn into little demons which tempt people in the vicinity to turn to sensuality. 

Depiction of the classical incubi and succubi.

Those entities are the very famous incubi and succubi of medieval legends.

Everything though has it dual opposite. I have explained here one side but there also exists its opposite. This can be found in Master Samael's book on the Lamasery Exercises.

End (3636).

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