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Monday 15 June 2020

Esoteric View of Sex - (3637)

Reason of Post

I think that it is very beneficial to the human being to expand its awareness to explore the higher dimensions of what is called sex. 

It is always the higher that orders, harmonises and remedies. While the lower brings disorder and difficulties.

To see the higher aspect of something creates an entry point in us, allowing it to access us, and allowing us to reflect on it. If we can not see it or allow it into ourselves we can not reflect on it.

When we learn to relate to something esoterically that is from its higher dimension we can do away with so many different functionings of the egos related to it.

In other words understanding deeply the higher dimension of sex we can help ourselves enormously in the work of the dissolution of lust.

Human beings have their view fixed in stone upon the human dimension of sex. 

Unfortunately now days, the above sentence is fast becoming less and less true. Human beings have turned their view downwards to know the lower dimensions of sex. And this as we can see in people and society is not really of much help. Human beings more than ever now need the view of the higher dimension. Well that is what I say, they may not say the same. The truth is though, everything has its two sides, its higher and lower.


The human mind being balanced after seeing both higher and lower allows the consciousness to appear.

With the consciousness present, a conscious choice can be made.

Knowledge of the higher aspect of sex is lacking so much that human beings have nothing to contrast with and so their consciousness does not appear and they can not be conscious regarding this aspect. They are instead taken by the general downward currents operating powerfully in society.

This is what is lacking terribly in human societies, there is no ability to make a conscious choice, because the knowledge of the higher is not present.

The mission of Master Samael was to bring this knowledge of the higher aspect of sex to human beings, so human beings could decide consciously, and define themselves for up or down.

Life Force

Sex is better esoterically understood using the term 'life force'.

A life-force that is magnetic and electric in quality. It can flow and radiate as does electricity and it can also attract as does magnetism.

Source and Descent

This life force emanates from an infinite source. From the first cause of the cosmos. From the Causal Logos which is the Sacred Absolute Sun. This life force is therefore divine in origin and nature.

This life force descends into life. 

In our case, it descends first of all from the Sacred Absolute Sun to the Monad. Then from the Monad down to their particular vehicles or bodies. Finding us here in the physical.

Once the life force enters a vehicle it is conditioned by the nature of the plane at which it lands and it is further limited by the imperfections of the individual on that plane. But it always remains divine.

This life force is given as a kind of trust to each individual, that it be held carefully and wisely and used to benefit both the individual and others. Like a kind of cosmic capital.

Two Principal Roles of the Life Force

The life force maintains in existence all that is. It preserves living life forms from being worn away from the many disintegrating forces that exist in creation. 

The life force maintains in creation all that has achieved a form, and it works to hold it to the level at which it has evolved to. This function is known as the Life Preserver and it is a force with a single aspect - no duality.

The second role is to create. For it to create it must take on a dual aspect. It must function in polarities. With the two polarities being positive and negative.

From here derives the esoteric view of sex.

Esoteric View

The esoteric view of sex is to see the opposite polarities combining to create. It does not see two bodies but two polar forces of specific qualities, described below.

These two forces have the differing qualities of being: actual and the other being potential. The first force, the male force, is an electricity, an electric shock, and the other force is a creating energy locked up in potential.

The action of the first force is an electric shock that instigates the activity of the creating potential stored in the feminine force.

The male force seeks to cause and to advance that cause, while the female force awaits the stimulus of the cause needed to unfold its form creating powers, where before the instigating shock it is passive or impotent to creation.

Positive being active energy and negative being potential energy, that is energy stored and waiting to unfold. Both are needed to be combined to form any creation. The potential energy can only turn active when stimulated or shocked into activity by the positive force.

So the esoteric view of sex is to see these two forces in action combining to create inwardly or outwardly.

Trouble is the Enormous Additions

Once one is privy to the esoteric definition and origin of sex, one can see how many superfluous things have been added onto it.

Furthermore all these superfluous layering prevents us from seeing the simple esoteric view of sex. We seem not to be able to embrace the simple esoteric view. We think it is too this or that. This is because those additions just have acquired to much weight which also blocks or confuses our vision. 

As the weight mentioned above reduces, one sees that really sex boils down to, sifts down to the esoteric view. It is just after all the combination of these two forces. 

Our task then is remove all these layers of misunderstandings that we have about the subject of sex.

Practical Conclusion

The way to work with sex is to go to the higher aspect and from there pull the lower up into it. The direct means to do this, is transmutation. 

The higher always governs the lower. If we are in the higher we can control and use the lower wisely.

One must ascend to the higher psychologically then transmutation will be effective at transforming the lower into the higher.

End (3637).

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