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Monday 22 June 2020

In Absentia Lucis, Tenebrae Vincunt - (3650)

"In the absence of light, darkness prevails."

When we forget about our light, our consciousness, we end up lost in a lot of thoughts and emotions. That just seem to take us around the bend or in circles - no where.

Bringing our light clarifies and orders. We look to thinking to make us feel better but it doesn't really. The refuge is our light. 

If we just bring our light for five minutes, we can notice a big difference. Just fixing our attention on our breath making the effort not to think anything is really helpful.

Our light helps to order our psyche and dispels most extraneous thoughts by seeing through them.

We often to look to our mind for help or answers or order. But it just as often falls short. The one that helps and answers in us is our consciousness. 

No-thinking is a very helpful means to bring our light, so are the many other methods, mantra, breath awareness, body sensation awareness, remembering the being, concentration etc.

End (3650).

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