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Sunday 7 June 2020

Jump in a Coffin - (3618)

Sorry I know that this is not really the right time to post a title like this... 

With the physical death of many around the world so close, it sort of inspires this practice.

I think it is good to now and then in our life, voluntarily have a look at death.

So I say to do this by jumping into a coffin. Most of us can't because there is no coffin around to do that and coffins are very difficult to come by, plus they are also very expensive.

So in our imagination lets jump into a coffin and lets imagine we have died. 

So like everything in our life has ended. Gnostic group, Gnostic activities (our work with our essence continues though), our job and its responsibilities, family, relationships, pet care, daily life routine... Oh God what a relief I am feeling just now!
As soon as we jump into our coffin and do this in earnest, death begins to reveal itself to us in the way we most need to understand it and apply it in our life in this moment. Death speaks to us, teaches and guides...

All our problems will end too, all the people pleasing and negotiations, all the people disgruntled at us by our decisions and conduct etc. All that ends... 

In the moment of death it seems, that much of the effort that we made made in life was a waste, because here right now at the moment of death none of those things that we put so much time into really matter or are not helping us... 

End (3618).

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