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Sunday 7 June 2020

Regressing - Going Back in Time - (3632)

One day as essence we arrive at the humanoid state. We then live several existences as a human being on Earth. 

Eventually as a human being, if we do not take the leap onto an evolutionary path we end up stagnating and all the elements that we have accumulated that do not serve our evolution wait to be removed from us, so that we can have a chance at this evolutionary path once again.

To have all those elements from ourselves removed we must be reset. 

Just a note, when we reset our phone all the settings that we added to it are deleted and then the phone starts up again following the whole start-up sequence to finally load its operating system in the default state. We send its operating system back in time.

When anything is reset, like a computer or electronic device, that device is set back to its beginning - to the way ti was clean out of the factory. In our case we are set back to our beginning as a humanoid.

There we regress in time, we go back to what we were before we were humanoids. We go back to the animal state, then the vegetable, then the mineral, then to begin a new start as a mineral all cleaned, a plant all cleaned and an animal all cleaned, then to emerge as a clean humanoid. But this time with wisdom in our essence.

Where that wisdom in our essence will be like a remembering that will benefit us to the extent of reminding us that the all of so many lives sums up to having to be cleaned by going backwards in time, unless a new revolutionary path is undertaken. And that revolutionary path is the natural order and will of the Cosmos for all the essences who live within it!

End (3632).

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