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Wednesday 3 June 2020

Separate Lust from Sex - (3631)

The two are not the same. One is the fire and the other the suffocating toxic smoke (lust).

Sex is a universal creative power. An origin of all things. Something that goes far beyond any human ideas. Something that stands as a reality by itself. Something whose energy surges through all of existence. 

As sex is the origin of all things it is in all things. Its energy, the vital life forces that it summons in its act of creation are imbued in everything.  

It is something vast, expansive and altogether cosmic and universal. It can take one everywhere. To the depths of degeneration, all over the world by populating it, and to the heights of regeneration.

Our issue with it, is that we bottle it up into images of the human sexual act, we further bottle it into various emotions, and later into uses, with most of them being subconscious.

Lust uses sex, but lust is not sex. Lust is a limited psychological creation. It is not an originator or a creative force. But a mechanical user of it.

Until Gnosis or a real esoteric doctrine, lust is the master of the sexual force. Lust is a whole collection of memories and imitations - a kind of informal education passed onto us by society through stories, movies, and the examples of others who in turn learned their sexuality from others before them.

All of the stuff that makes up lust, all that mind stuff that is packed inside lust, has little to do with the cosmic reality of sex.

With the esoteric teachings we can make our sexual force our own instead that which society, movies, books etc. have given us. We don't possess our sexual force really, it is not our own until we begin to transmute the sexual energy. 

We think it is our own because we can do what we want with it but tell me what you do with your lust has all been done before, but YOUR REALISATION HAS NOT BEEN DONE BEFORE BY ANYONE!!! 

End (3631).

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