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Sunday 28 June 2020

The Obstacle of Karma We Have To Know - (3658)

Karma is always some kind of obstacle, some kind of delay, some kind of standstill, some kind of block, some kind of pain, some kind of wanting to move forward but yet one can't... Even it is something that whatever one tries it just gets difficult and does not work out.

It is very important to know that this is karma. 

What is even more valuable is to accept that it is karma. That is due to some kind of debt, something that in the past we didn't do all that well, and we ended up breaking harmony and balance. 

To accept that it is karma gives us a great relief and allows light to enter into our psyche and with light some emotional clam.

When we accept this, the next clear step is to want to pay the debt. A part of wanting to pay the debt is to know what the karma is for and what we did to create it. Our consciousness can be marvellous and it can tell us where that karma has come from.

If it is due to the things of this life we can readily find that out. It gets a little more difficult when it is due to the past beyond this life. 

For certain, without doubt we will know, what will make the karma worse! Here is a point of leverage, our point of escape.

We have to stop the karma accruing. When there is no karma things flow along so easily. Things naturally fall into place.

So knowing the above sentence is a relief, it gives great hope that it shows us that if stop accruing new karma and begin to pay what we owe the block that bothers us so much will fall down, revealing open doors and easy or much easier sailing. 

End (3658).

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