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Sunday 28 June 2020

Yearning and Pain - (3659)


There are particles of pain of the Father in our essence. These particles are there for a reason, that reason being to push us towards the Father we have in secret within us.

These particles have their role in us. They make us restless. They make us to look up to find a solution. To look for their remedy, to look to soothe the irritation, to heal the wound. 

The yearning of the Being becomes in us the yearning for the Being. The Being yearns to find Itself.

It is good to know that yearning is like hope a causative factor. It wishes to cause the bringing down or bringing closer of what we yearn for.


A person yearns with all their heart to find something of the soul. What can they do? Pray and pray and work and work. 

Often people resort to praying. They pray with pain. Hoping that the more pain we pray with the closer we are going to get to what we yearn for. 

Pain Made into a Bridge and Path

We can begin to believe that pain can become a bridge between our state now and what we yearn for. We believe that if we maintain the pain we are going to be sending a message loud and clear to the Being, to the Masters that can help us.

When we do that we actually bring pain into our life and we live amongst a painful backdrop. We make pain our path. 

We come to believe in pain, if something does not hurt it is not real and it won't ever happen. 

What curiously happens though is when we do get it, we don't believe it. We believe we are unworthy of it and it will just all turn sour or disappear.

Fascination with Pain

In that state we can become fascinated with pain. The fascination with pain only actually makes us more asleep. 

When we get to working we start to stop feeling the pain and we start to stop being fascinated with the pain we feel. 

Pain is not the actualization of the goal. Just like the thought of the person is not the person.

Love and Pain

"Why give me that yearning if I can not fulfill it", one may say in pain. This is when yearning becomes painful.

Love and pain share a kind of relationship. 

From pain the sparks of love can surge forth, and a love unfulfilled becomes painful. 

The unfulfilled love if we are not careful, converts itself into pain, bitterness, hatred and we go against what we loved before.

This new hatred or going against takes the form of skepticism, resistance, opposition, non co-operation. In other words pride. Pride because we feel humiliated, that that thing proved too high, too good, too hard, too something or whatever for us to reach...


Skepticism is non-acceptance. We no longer accept but reject and that is to become skeptical. Often resentment takes the form of skepticism. When we tried to go closer to the Being or reach out and grab something, but failed, then, in the humiliation, the pain, we become skeptical and non accepting of It. Then rebellion follows. The smarter person will know that even not being able to reach the something just now, it is still better to keep working and paying as rebellion will only bring down more pain and suffering. One day the work will pay the debts and change things.

End (3659).

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