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Sunday 28 June 2020

The Virtue of Your Being Can Not be Made to Fail - (3660)

Certain endevours that we undertake in our work really depend totally on certain values within us not faltering, actually, they are values of our Being that can not fail.

We can not make those values to fail! We have to hold onto that as if it were the last thing we have!

The payment of a certain karma depends entirely on key values not failing!

There are many examples of this.

Master Samael said in Mexico that if he were to lose even a drop of sexual energy the whole Gnostic movement back then would fail.

In a guru and disciple relationship, rebellious and obstinate pride for example can not be made to go out of control. Humility, balance, respect etc. must be active vibrating above all other factors in the disciple. 

In a Alchemical marriage, transmutation, supra-sexuality must take wings and be above all other forms of sexuality. 

In the third factor, disinterested love and sacrifice must be more present than any other elements and so on...

End (3660).

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