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Sunday 28 June 2020

Accumulated Sexual Energy is Not Like a Pile of Gold Coins it is Different - (3661)

We may see in our oneiric experiences the sexual energy as golden or silver coins or as precious jewels. This indicates to us its high value, its merit, its potential...

How the sexual energy is felt inside of us is more important. That is our reality in relation to it.

The sexual energy we accumulate is not like a pile of gold coins. Where we may say that losing a bit, say just like a few coins off the top of the pile makes no real difference because there is still a whole heap of coins left.

That is the materialistic and common way of thinking. The esoteric way as taught by Master Samael differs in thinking and feeling. 

Another point to consider in relation to this, is that a person may not as yet have developed a contrast within themselves. A contrast is developed when the transmutation has been developed to a higher level than the level of the normal sexuality within the person.

The sexual energy is energy, not coins, and that energy is a flow of life, light, will and consciousness that when we transmute, we connect and draw closer to our inner Divinity, to the source of life, energy and light within us.

It is more like an electrical current, than coins.

So losing sexual energy then is weakening that connection, that current flowing in that circuit. When the current stops flowing the opposite appears entering to fill that absence of the current.  

End (3661).

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