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Thursday 11 June 2020

Vertical Line of Life is More Important to Everyone - (3640)

Our life is really lived as now, right now. And right now is always the entrance or meeting point with the vertical line of our life.

So every moment allows us to meet our level of Being or position on the vertical line of life. 

But people are not in the moment though. So not being in the moment does not allow people to embrace and develop their vertical line of life.

The consciousness is the one which can meet and enter into the 'now'. The mind goes forward or back in time but is not in the now.

On the vertical we have our level of Being and from our of level of Being we see life. The way we move through life and respond to life all depends on our level of the Being.

Our priorities and perspective of life are all determined by our level of the Being. Our contentment, our happiness, our fufillment in life, our understanding of life, etc. are all determined by our level of the Being.

Materialism and the predominance of the horizontal line of life will one day collapse because the human being is  primordially an essence and needs to be nourished by the vertical and the more we ignore the vertical the more unhappy human beings will become and the more we will need the vertical. 

End (3640).

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