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Tuesday 14 July 2020

Fantasy Posts: The Mysterious One - (3705)

This is a fantasy type like the many others. It is one that we actually live out all the time. There is some arrogance in it. Arrogance is based on fantasy actually. Pull the fantasy from underneath arrogance and it gets jelly legs.

This fantasy is where we dream or project that others feel us as being important, dealing with some urgent and serious business that is mysterious and outside of people's knowing. 

It has the attitude of look and wonder but don't say anything to burst the unreal fantasy bubble.

It has a lot of behaviours, gestures, looks and carrying on, that the fantasy thinks enhances the mystery and important air of it all. It also tries to control certain things to maintain the air of mystery and gravity. 

What is really mysterious about any of us? 

We all live under a roof somewhere, all have a body that aches and pains now and then, have human beings as friends, have to eat, have to work, have an unruly mind, have good egos, have bad egos, have a beautiful essence and Monad, have a bank account, have a car, walk, go to the toilet, etc. etc.  

The real mystery is with ourselves to ourselves. We don't know our own mystery. Who is our Being? What does it want in the moment? So tonto (get out your Spanish dictionary) trying to be mysterious. When we are the mystery to ourselves already. When we try to be mysterious we are forgetting our own mystery completely soundly snoring as loud as hell.

End (3705).

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