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Tuesday 14 July 2020

Fantasy Posts: People's Appreciation - (3703)

The biggest ego behind fantasy is self-importance I reckon. For me it stands right up there on the podium of the fantasy generator hierarchy.

Just on the side, this work on fantasy will show you your P.P.P. The more frequent and constant fantasies come from the P.P.P.

The anti-dote to self-importance is self-remembering. Making that the consciousness be the most important thing. Making the concerns of others more important is also consciousness as to take into account others is to be more conscious, as we have extended it beyond ourselves.

Most of our fantasies seek the appreciation of others. 

Why do we need that? Obviously because there is something inadequate in us. Or we feel some inadequacy.

It is up to us with our work to fill that inadequacy gap. Fantasy tries to do it but it never can.

The remedy is find the source of the inadequacy and give what we lack to ourselves and if that does not quite do the trick, then search deep inside to find that which we are looking for in our essence and Being. 

For example, if we feel so ordinary and lack the exciting extraordinary, search for the extraordinary in the Being. We will find it, first with reflection (think about how the Being is really extraordinary), and then later by being conscious of what we found through like a kind of conscious appreciation. Then we just have to remember that appreciation right in the face of that ego and its fantasies.

End (3703).

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