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Saturday 8 August 2020

AORS - (3762)

A is attention

O is organisation

R is relaxation

S is silence

These are four very interesting steps to take to relax the mind from m.m.m in book 1. Before we can relax the mind we need to become aware of it, that is pay attention to it. Knowing what state it is in. Knowing what thoughts it is presenting, what is worrying it, what problems is it trying to solve. 

When we start to become aware of it we are seeing all that it can present to us. This is a large relief.

There trying to relax the mind but was useless until I tried to organise it. 
All else is blank even the road but not the mind.

Once we know how the mind is, when can then go and organise what it is presenting. We can never organise what we don't know or can't see.

This can take a little while but when we start to organise it we are setting up the conditions to relax it.

End (3762). 

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