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Saturday 8 August 2020

Purify the Mind Using the Help of Mental Associations - (3763)

To purify the mind implies many things of course, always many things. But one thing it implies is, and this is common sense is that we have to shake out a lot of things from our mind. Just like a carpet that has accumualted a lot of dust and dirt, sand, sticks, fleas, cat hair and anything else.

To remove things we need to know what there is to remove. So we need to become aware of what is in our mind. Commonly we are only very partially aware of what we have in our mind.

There is one terrific way to become aware of what is in our mind. It is to use mechanical associations to vacuum all that we have in our mind about certain topics out, bringing it all up into view.

I recommend to take a subject that is rough and heavy, like violence for example, then use mental associations. Write down all that our mind associates with violence. The associations will always present what we have in our mind. The associations can only ever draw upon what is already in our mind. 

After a while we will get to exhaustion point where we can't draw out anymore. Be ruthless draw out everything everything not being afraid of the worst things that our own mind has. 

When we have everything that our mind has on the table about violence we can do some cleaning, some discarding, some purifying.

Some things we can discard as absurd because they are not connected to reality what so ever and others we can ask the Divine Mother to dissolve. 

Always when we have to clean there are some things that are easy to get rid of and some things that are hard. Always, always, just try it out on your shed or garage. The same thing applies to our mind.

Another topic is sex. These two topics of violence and sex really make any person very heavy and full of junk. When we remove the erroneous, the absurd, the useless in those two areas we feel very different in our mind. Actually more relaxed.

End (3763).

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