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Tuesday 18 August 2020

Eat Tumeric Turn Yellow - (3791)

So I heard a story, where a lady ate so much tumeric that she started to go yellow. I guess it was her complexion that became more yellow in colour, not that she became a coward. I still don't why they associate yellow with cowardice, when the sun is yellow and its rays face everyone, everything always. Maybe because it is the colour of the intellect and intellectual people think a lot and do little. Don't know really.

Just a comparison type of an example of how we can become what we eat in the way of impressions. We don't have to do anything, just absorb the impressions and they work inside of ourselves making our processes and nature to change to be similar to the impressions we absorb. 

This works in the inconvenient way, but if we are smart we can make it work for us.

Talk more to Gnostic people who are fighting the good hard honest fight to change, to wake up, to get closer to the Being, who know about transmutation, who are transmuting, who are seeking victory over themselves instead of people who blame everything, are victims, don't fight, loose the sexual energy, don;t think deeply etc.

If there's no one to talk to, read, listen, watch material that feeds the soul. I like stories of victory over adversity because there is a lot of wisdom there about the values of the soul. 

Adversity is the birthplace of virtue as well as being the crucible where the decisions, the understandings, and the realisations all bubble up to the surface. 

When those bubbles surface wisdom is born. Each essence has created a lot of wisdom through their lives and it is so wonderful to learn it. For the wisdom seeker each person's essence is a treasure trove, but with out the fight you never see it come out. Only the person working on him or herself is in the fight and then the wisdom bubbles up and out. If a person is blaming others and is a victim sweet nothing bubbles up! Only pain and complaint!

End (3791).

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