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Wednesday 19 August 2020

Two Pains Exception - (3792)

There is pain due to the things that happen in life, you know being deeply insulted, betrayed, let down, disappointed/disillusioned, relationship fall outs, injuries, people getting ill and dying, projects failing, bankruptcy etc. And then there is an esoteric pain...

We don't often encounter our esoteric pain in normal life. It is mostly not touched. 

In the work and path we often do encounter our esoteric pain. Sometimes quite frequently, depending on what is going on or what we are trying to do, or what the Being in us is wanting. Sometimes it goes away for a while. 

The interesting thing though there is an exception, a certain anomaly that exists where the human life pain brings out the esoteric pain.  

When it is brought out in the way mentioned above it is too unknown, its flavour so strange, so out of the ordinary, we feel a strange unknown side to ourselves appearing, a different sadness, a strange loneliness, a strange grasping at something that we think is God, a strange push to seek out God, we pray intensely, we visit temples, churches, meditation halls, read, talk to others...some even find Gnosis due to that.

Anyway it eventually leaves and people forget and forget well, very well.  The interesting thing though is that it opens up esoteric doorways within the person. Always for a while...

End (3792).

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