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Monday 17 August 2020

If there be Domestic Violence - (3785)

"Touch me one more time and I'll kill you."

We tend to think the answer is: "take the hit and love them more and love will conquer the day". Wellll you have to be really strong, get ready to take many more hits which will only get harder and harder and the pain more intense, as well as the moral pain and the confusion and disappointment in the idea that love will solve the day. This idea of love doesn't really come through and work for us in the end! 

Well in some cases it can but it bloody well hurts a lot, wastes so much time, all when it doesn't have to.

Once m.m.m told us a story of a woman who said those exact words ("Touch me one more time and I'll kill you") to her husband after he pushed or hit her and he never did it again. A strong Latina mate! They also lived happily married ever after.

I like that style. It would be so good to see a woman say that to one of those violent men. If he doesn't respect those words then it was always all going downhill to be lost anyway so nothing to lose in saying it.

It can be really hard to say those words because of fear. But it doesn't mean that the lady would actually do that (kill the husband) but it sets things straight. Cross that line again mate and consequences mate, consequences! Which is good that the violent man knows this because the angry beast never looks ahead to measure the consequences.

If it is hard to say that verbally send him a text message, an email or get someone else to send it! Or do something esoteric with the Divine Mother and the Law asking for protection and prevention. That's the safest can't go wrong idea. But I would do something else a bit stronger, everyone to themselves and in the end everyone has to shoulder the consequences of their actions.  

I also think it is a good thing because it helps the violent man too. It will stop him from doing a lot of harm that will take him into the mud and from there maybe even into the courts and jail. 

Also it will make him respect the lady. That is why he hit the lady in the first place because he lost his self-respect and then his respect for his wife.

A man who hits a lady is disrespecting himself, even if what she says cuts really deep and really pains, he lowers himself into the mud when he acts that way, and that is not the way to respect oneself - rolling in the mud.

End (3785).

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