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Sunday 16 August 2020

What are we if we Stop Projecting? Expired Food Vanity - (3784)

Errrh don't know, it stops us in our tracks for a minute right? Who am I then?

We are always projecting, walking and projecting, working and projecting, in our projections are the ideas about ourselves, which are mostly erroneous. We just know it is erroneous because we are inventing it and wishing it. We only ever wish for what we don't have.

So we will be what we really are and the bonus is, we will be seeing what we really are, not believing in strange ideas of ourselves.

The main obstacle to stop projecting about ourselves is vanity. If we work on vanity a lot of the projections will go or be so easily discarded by us. 

Why do we keep vanity alive? Because always we believe it has a valuable use and pays something out to us. It is something that we feed to ourselves. With vanity we continually feed wrong ideas about ourselves to ourselves. It happens we like what we feed ourselves about ourselves.

Maybe we can just tell ourselves I don't really need this food I am feeding myself, I can do without it, can't I? It is bad food anyway, makes me psychologically sick and deluded. That helps us to tell ourselves this.

As soon as though we realise we are feeding ourselves rotten, old, expired, useless food we change our ideas.

You know what it seems to pay out to us is something that we only imagine or feel in our head with the thought: "we impressed them". But who knows really what we did, maybe we made them slightly repulsed, may be we annoyed them: "ah the same old stupid see-through vanity" which mind you people often feel sorry for the person who has that (that's embarrassing).

Vanity is something for ourselves. It is something that we feed ourselves, we feed ourselves what impressed us in the past. So it is all about us, coming around full circle. 

We only ever please ourselves in the end in reality. That is all we can do, we can't really please others, just impossible and too hard a task. So it starts to make sense that we can drop vanity and know that we are not pleasing anyone, we are always pleasing ourselves and so we can drop the fantasy that we are impressing others. Because we are not doing it to impress them really! (We are doing it for the thrill of the thought 'oh I impressed him/her made them look twice, trip over, forget what they were saying, get nervous all that common fish guts...which is for us not for them).   

End (3784).

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