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Thursday 13 August 2020

Pain a Non-Religious Teacher that Takes you to Real Religion - (3780)

Pain is universal. To be very sensitive to it is extraordinarily useful. It is a teacher.

It teaches irrespective of any religion, doctrine or system. Everyone knows it and experiences it. 

It is from the war that we have raging with reality. To know what is painful and what is not is to be more awake than our normal sleeping state that is always in and out to varying depths of one kind of pain or another. 

It tells us when to work on ourselves. It sets the clear goal which is to be free of it, to not feel it anymore.

There is pain that comes from outside when people insult us and then there is the pain that comes from within in relation to the contrast between our current state and our essence and the parts of the Being. 

If we want to talk to anyone about the work we can talk to them about pain. From pain we go to reality and the way to embrace reality is to align our thoughts and emotions with it and that is the work, the awakening and the essence in action.

End (3780).

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