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Thursday 13 August 2020

Ethics and Balance - (3777)

Among so many things that ethics does is to bring balance, and maintain it.

Ethics lay down the foundation of things. For there to be balance the foundations have to be ethical or correct. A man full of desire to have something out of stupid egoical reasons later gets into difficulty, leaves that something behind or has to re-evaluate everything and change deeply to keep it. The main part of that change is establishing within himself the correct ethical reasons which are his foundation.

Just like in Gnosis when people start classes and their reasons why are not inline with the ethics of the knowledge they leave their classes. Gnosis has as its foundation sincerity and a genuine yearning for the spirit. When our foundations are not these or similar we can't balance ourselves up against these foundations, we then go somewhere where we can be balanced against something because not to be balanced is always painful. 

Ethics is at the foundation of meditation practice because if we are doing a lot of dodgy things we are going to be worried and anxious all the time plus stressed and that means we won't be at peace to concentrate.

Ethics boils down to correct thinking, feeling and acting. It also boils down to following the Law. That is doing the right thing by the different principles and values of the Law. Truth and justice are the main values. 

Both Truth and Justice are balance. 

When we break those principles we get scared because we know at some point consequences are coming and that will be unpleasant/painful.

Why do we break the Law because we are impatient. Hence patience being the mother of all virtues. We want the fruit without the hard work which always implies time and effort. 

What is not ethical is usually taken away by the Law.  

End (3777).


  1. Hi.
    Why don't you talk a little bit about the straight path vs the spiral path in one of your next posts? Maybe aspects like the maximun initiation attained, how long are both, the intensity of the work with the three factors, among others.

  2. I’ll write something up. What would happen if you asked your missionary? Because that is easily all answered by a good knowledge of the doctrine.

  3. How does one get back on track in these instances? How does one return to be fully aligned with the being? Is it even possible for it to return as it was?
    The mistake was made originally, now what? How does one return back to balance? It often seems the more time and energy spent tying to restore this balance the more trouble It brings.

  4. How does one get back on track in these instances? How does one return to be fully aligned with the being? Is it even possible for it to return as it was?
    The mistake was made originally, now what? How does one return back to balance? It often seems the more time and energy spent tying to restore this balance the more trouble It brings.

  5. How does one get back on track in these instances? How does one return to be fully aligned with the being? Is it even possible for it to return as it was?
    The mistake was made originally, now what? How does one return back to balance? It often seems the more time and energy spent tying to restore this balance the more trouble It brings.

    1. Sure it is possible, it is a matter of correcting the scale. It can be a work over much time We are talking like the whole self-realisation even. Balance is something ontological. The Being recuperates what was lost or broken by paying Is karma and awakening totally. All we can do is work on dissolving our egos which pays karma and restores slowly balance within us as we awaken the essence we free from dissolving the egos. We get out all bit by bit area by area of our lives as we work on ourselves or relationship by relationship to people, activities, events, parts of ourselves etc. Are you Australian or American?

  6. Thank you 🙏, American - Los Angeles

  7. Hope that helped a bit - it is a work in progress in terms of our deep inner nature but in life we can do many practical things to bring balance. Ok American. It should have read get to balance instead of ‘get out all’ if that makes it more understandable.

  8. Very helpful and hopeful. Hoping to move the scales and everything back in the right direction. This blog as a whole has been the most reliable and helpful resource I’ve had this past year. Avoided many mistakes. Very Very grateful, thank you for everything 🙏.

  9. Thank you very much for that! I havn't been wasting my time then.
