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Sunday 16 August 2020

Some Fascinations End when Working an Ego - (3783)

Some fascinations that we have, remain in us until we work on, to at least a certain degree, the egos that are related to them.

That means that certain fascinations are indicators for us to work. Right! Not to get more fascinated, because that is what we normally do, keep reading or looking up or talking about, thinking that this will fix the fascination. But it doesn't really...

For example, a person maybe fascinated in a strange way accompanied by a strange flavour, with violence, thinking "How can people do that to others?", "How can that happen?", and one reads about the things that happen in war, the injuries, looks at pictures of injured people thinking "God how bad, how painful, how could or why should one die in that way" etc. 

So how to fix that, well once again duality enters and oh dear, it's not nice, we find out that we have those things inside of ourselves, we have the violent doer and the violence receiver inside. We have to find them, face to face, and do our reckoning with them. 

Weird Salvador Dali painting. Weird like the fascinations of our sleeping consciousness.

Until then we are going to be alarmed and horrified by violence our whole future lives, and we will be fantasying with violent elements our whole lives too.

This general principle or psychological truth can be applied to anything that we find we are fascinated with. It could be something physical but the fascination is really very psychological. Like violence is physical but its causes and impacts are psychological. 

When there is no egoic elements involved, as soon as we know about something the fascination goes. For example, I was always since being a kid was fascinated by deep water oil rigs. As soon as I studied them as an adult, the fascination disappeared and only a kind of admiration for the interesting engineering involved in them is left in me. With the egoic fascination we have to work the egos involved, there is no other way to get rid of the fascination.

End (3783).

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