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Saturday 15 August 2020

Understanding Accumulates and Why the Ego Comes Back and Back and Back - (3781)

The ego comes back and back and back, doesn't it? Even when we have worked a lot a lot on it, it comes back, eventhough it is weak and may only stay a few seconds it still comes back and always will until it is muerto (dead). Then there is the memory of it and the residues of it and they do the same thing, come back and come back.  

But the truth of it all is that the ego has to come back and back again. Why? Because understanding is accumulative! Each time it comes back we add an aspect of understanding. That true understanding only builds up really truly when we face the ego in the reality of our human machine.

Understanding like faith is accumulative. The powers that people have are the result of accumulation also.

When we know the ego back to front we know its whole process. Like this: it will come with the right trigger, it will think that, feel that, want to say that, then we won't say anything and it will feel worse and then it will think this, and want to do this scary thing, and then the body will feel an upset tummy, the shin bones will begin to hurt, emotion next will well up and you feel like crying then, the emotion subsides but the thoughts remain, then we feel repentance and then 'sorry', 'sorry', "how stupid we were oh bloody ego", its over now only to come back again. When we can sit back and know every step we are understanding it well and this understanding only comes from repeated interventions into our human machine.

When the understanding of an ego has accumulated enough we start to be able to separate it in a no BS way - I mean definitively, concretely we can separate it.

It is there but we can separate it. So the moral of the story is that we have to be patient, accept that the ego has to come back and that is our main way to understand it. This is also where we pay for having created it and we pay the karma due to the pride or arrogance that was involved in or related to some of its previous manifestations. 

End (3778).

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