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Monday 21 September 2020

Fascination Types and Surpassing Modes - (3870)


We often find ourselves fascinated with things. We hear that fascination is a stage in the process of the sleep of the consciousness, so for our work of awakening it is worth a study. 

The more we know and understand about fascination the better equipped we are to shake it off.

Fascination Anatomy

We can be fascinated with something positive or negative. Even there is a positive and a negative type of fascination.

Sometimes only experiencing something makes us to lose the fascination. Sometimes we don't need to experience anything, we just need to work on a particular ego. Sometimes we just need to study and sometimes as our maturity develops we stop being fascinated.

Positive Type

The positive type of fascination is one that contains an element of yearning in it and it is one that inspires us to learn and acquire knowledge. Being positive, it is a fascination about things of a positive nature such as: spiritual, esoteric things, things of nature, scientific things, philosophical and artistic things and even things about human nature and human invention. Most likely in these cases there is some interest of the essence in these things.

With the positive type of fascination we don't necessarily lose our consciousness but we can. It is like the more we study and experience the more we penetrate into what it is really all about. This does not really happen with the negative type of fascination, where we actually get stuck there, caught in a trap.

Negative Type

The negative fascination is of the ego for some kind of activity or thing that is done by the ego. For example fear is fascinated with horror, lust with sexual things, greed with money and acquisitions, pride with what people are saying about us etc. 

In the negative type of fascination it is with things that the essence would not do or be interested in. So in this case the ego is fascinated. This fascination then multiples or leads to other things. For example, the ego of drinking gets fascinated with a bottle of cognac and then gets fascinated with the idea of drinking a few balloons of it, smoking cigars and talking until late at night.

With the negative type of fascination we definitely lose our consciousness and we also consume a lot of psychic energy.

Surpassing Modes

In the positive type of fascination, when we start to learn and experience things about what we are positively fascinated with, the fascination fades but then shifts up an octave and stays. In its higher octave it is a certain awe, a certain amazement and wonder, an appreciation that continues forward and elevates.

Naturally we would concern ourselves with working or studying the negative type of fascination.

The best way of overcoming the negative type of fascination is when we work on the ego that is fascinated. 

Experiencing the negative type of fascination is not always the way to go, the fascination will fade but often it remains, descending to inferior octave where there is mechanical repetitive seeking. 

When we work on the ego behind the negative fascination, we say: "I'm not caught in that now, let it be as it is, it is there and I'm fine here" where as before we said: "how is that, why is that, how does that work, how does that move..."

Which is then the right point of view? The one that results from the work? Or not? The consciousness does not really get fascinated it does something more, it rather penetrates into things to see the reality, then it understands the nature of the thing and then it discerns useful or not useful, correct or incorrect, contentment/balance or pain and suffering. 

End (3870).

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