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Sunday 20 September 2020

Question Answered from Post 3866 - (3869)


"Could it be that the Being sometimes teaches us with a fall? Or perhaps puts us in a situation where a very disgraceful fall is inevitable at our individual level of Being, i.e. when we are too weak? I am not talking about nocturnal pollutions. I am talking about voluntary acts of sin where we know that what we are doing is wrong, yet we are not strong enough to do the right thing. And afterwards, our inflated sense of ambition and mystical pride is absolutely crushed and we helplessly drown in shame and bitterness from within?"


I have heard that we are submitted to tests that were designed for us to fail. The purpose of us failing is for us to become more aware of our weaknesses, to destroy complacency, to have our pride reduced to reality and for us to work harder.

That's a tricky point, whether it is our Being that puts us in that position or we actually do that. If the Being does it, it would have to be for a beneficial result, seen immediately or seen a little later down the track.

Maybe to learn a lesson where you are to not repeat that error. I have heard where people who were not working very hard on themselves had an experience with their Typhon Baphomet where He told them that if they continue being negligent He would drag them back to their former life of degeneration (drugs, alcohol, night life, infra-sex etc.).

If the Being wants Its realisation it would not put you into a situation that would ruin Its chances of getting its self-realisation. Maybe to crash you lightly but not so bad that you can't get back up again. But it is still just surmising I don't know for sure.

That's why we pray the Our Father, especially the line that says: "Deliver us from evil, and lead us not into temptation". 

The Father is naturally meant to do that, i.e. protect us from evil and take us away from temptation. But the Being has two hands, one left and one right and He can work in mysterious ways. One idea of the Our Father prayer is get the Being to teach us with the right hand and not the left. But if the right does not work He must use the left.

End (3869).


  1. Thanks a lot for your answer! God bless you.

  2. No worries. Don't forget that even if we are in a difficult situation we helped get ourselves there and we will have to pay the karma to get out. In such situations it is so helpful to ourselves to work like crazy on the egos in us involved in it all to really learn the lessons and make those egos die so as to make all that suffering worth it.
