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Thursday 3 September 2020

Power of the Glance and Planet Gazes - (3830)

Finish Off

As promised, here is the effort to finish off the previous post about the human glance.

Human Look

We speak through our eyes. Walking through the city is great. We think initially that we don't know anybody and no one speaks to us, but as soon as we are aware of how human beings speak with their eyes, all of a sudden there are all these people speaking to us. 

Some say nice things with their eyes and others don't. It doesn't matter too much what they say, what matters more, is what we say. A good question to ask is: "How is my look? Am I emitting kindness or amiablity?'.

So often because I don't have any coins with me to give to a person asking for money, what else can I give? A look of kindness and hope at least, then perhaps some friendly words. This is something, it won't buy him or her a meal but may uplift them a touch. Anyway those guys, not sure why, most of them don't eat. 

A look can communicate an entire stream of feeling, an answer to a question, a look can be a plea for help, a look conveys to us a bit about how a person is feeling and a bit about the emotional quality of their life.

In a look we can see an open door or a closed door.

That famous green eyes gaze of an Afghan girl that appeared in National Geographic.

In a look we can see if the perosn is transmuting and works often to activate their essence.

What I get excited seeing is, is the fight in the person's eyes, that intensity of the conscious effort they are making that melds with yearning and hope for freedom from one or another bothersome "I". That look that a missionary has when he/she is earnestly fighting for someone. 

A look has a certain magic, it can influence a person, enliven and light up their internal state or it can be like an attack that disrupts their energy and balance. It is not a physical contact, yet it has tangible inner effects on someone, that's the magical realm. No contact but real effects.

There can be times when two people can communicate with just a look. One can know what the other is feeling or wanting. 

So many things all start with a look. Things that are for better or for worse.

A relationship between two people begins with a glance.

For sure we can see the love people have for others, for a cause, for their work, for a person, an activity, its all in their eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul.The virtues of the soul shine through our eyes.

A fight breaks out because of a look. You're giving me "the look", "why are you looking at me like that?", "Don't look at me like that!" etc. then it all begins...

The intensity of a person's emotion shows in their eyes. When one comes before an audience face to face, one gets a glimpse at each member, seeing a bit about their internal state. You can see the essence present in some, a negative state affecting another one, the shadow abyss in one (deeply identified), indifference and boredom in one, one with closed eyes, one upset but fighting to be free, another trying to hide something, distraction in another...

If a person wants to change their look they have to change in many ways their level of the Being.

Planet Gazes

It is said in astrology that there are the gazes of the planets. The gazes of the: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn.

Also it is said that the planetary influence that we are subjected to is the result of the planets glancing down at us at the moment we were born. Their glance marked us so, giving us the group of planetary tendencies that we now have in our life.

The moon gaze is a vague and dreamy look. The Mercury gaze is to have eyes that pry into everything. The venus gaze is a languorous look that will try to attract. The gaze of Mars is defiant and says "Be careful, I'm ready to take it up a notch if you are.". The gaze of the Sun is honest and full of light. The gaze of Jupiter is protective, assuring and connecting. The gaze of Saturn is distrustful and suspicious thinking that a person will do something to hurt.

The gaze we have depends somewhat on our ruling planet but perhaps more sometimes on our level of Being, the ego in our human machine and perhaps even our cosmic or planetary ray, and of course the presence of our essence.

So which look do you have?

Oh well that concludes for now the posts on the human gaze.

End (3830).

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