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Thursday 3 September 2020

The Eyes and a Glance - (3818)


Vision and our eyes are a huge aspect of our life. Imagine our life without them, scary hey?

Anyway if something is huge for us that means there is a lot there that we can learn.

Our eyes unlike our ears are both passive/receptive and emissive/sending. Our ears only receive, but our eyes command and receive.

Because our eyes emit or influence just like gestures, they create effects, and anything that creates effects, we must become aware of and learn to control. Right? Because it implies cause and effect. And as far as cause and effect is concerned it is best to always generate beneficial effects. 

Hearing is not a gesture and so there is no need to control it, just learn to use it when necessary. But our eyes are different. 

Train our Eyesight

Master Samael says that we have to train our eyesight. For sure we do. That helps us a lot in terms of our personal dignity and in developing our will power. Very important for being a gentleman or a decent self-respecting person.

It is embarrassing to be caught looking someone up an down. Isn't it? Training our eyes totally avoids this. Plus to receive an 'up and down' look actually does not feel all that good. It often has like an aggressive feel to it. Not sure what you have felt - but I dare to say to be looked up and down by someone is to receive a slight bit of undue aggression from them. A kind of measuring up, what for? For contest for competition for sex for what?

Even to look someone up and down does not feel all that good either, to allow our eyes to wonder all over another person, sort of feels like we have lowered our appreciation of the person, like we are starting to disrespect them. I'm not sure what you feel, maybe we should not feel anything because it is only a look, well on.

This guy has hunger in his glance.

Power in a Glance

There is a lot of power in a person's glance. A glance  transmits something to another person: 'a look that could kill", "a look as cold as ice", "a look that said it all", "if looks could kill", “fire in the eyes” etc. 

Our eyes can be made through practices of imagination and will to accumulate energy and light, and then emit light.

Our glance carries forth some of our psychic quality. We can give or take with our eyes. This point is important.

Looking at someone insistently for a long time trying to command/influence them is not really good. The receiver really feels nervous, uneasy and unsure, even perhaps they can get aggressive as a reaction when this happens. 

Even vague, passive vacuous looks are not helpful to a receiver either, it is sort like the person doing the looking is drawing something from the receiver.

There are looks from students that sometimes give nothing and then there are looks that give something and then the instructor can give something back.

The essence and consciousness of a person can be seen in the eyes of the person.

In astrology you know there are the glances of the planets. The gaze of the Moon, the gaze of Mercury, the gaze of the Sun etc. I'll write about that tomorrow.

We can give with our look some of the light and energy of our essence, some of our love, some of our kindness and some of  our strength and we can also give with our look some of the egos that we have.

We can actually work to purify our glance.

Oh rats out of time. Finish this off tomorrow...

End (3818).


  1. Very interesting....
    waiting for the rest...
