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Tuesday 29 September 2020

Mother Nature and Technology - (3881)

There is that axiom that says as above so below. 

If something is not in the superior worlds there is no way it can come down to appear here on Earth. Things must be in the superior worlds first of all.

Imagine that all these inventions that make their way into our life in the form of new technology are the things that already exist in the superior worlds. 

Even if the exact gadgets that we have here don't exist up there the principles and laws that make them possible most certainly do. Things have a spiritual and a physical part to them. Up there we have the spiritual counter part actively functioning and down here we have the physical part of it functioning.

Imagine that all these scientists and engineers, some of them, not all of them were initiates in the past and that from those times remain in the depths of their consciousness recollections of times of when humanity had access to the knowledge that made all that we have now in the way of technology and much more available.

Master Samael says that when humanity grows restless She - Mother Nature provides it with toys. That is, certain inventions that fascinate and distract human beings, keeping their attention away from their woes and the those of the world. Thus pacifying them, lulling them nicely to sleep where they are easier to deal with.

There are still many more inventions Master Samael says yet to be made. Especially that special kind of TV that converts sound into images that will be powerful enough to convert the memories of nature stored as sound into images for all humanity to see. That will be devastating for the conventional materialistic based world system of religion and science. 

End (3881).

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