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Tuesday 29 September 2020

Sensual Love Posts: 2.) Selfish or Unselfish - (3883)

Kinds of Love - Big Key

There are three kinds of love Gnosis says. 1.) sensual, 2.) emotional and 3.) conscious. 

In the beginning this really surprised me. I thought that there were no distinctions - like there was only one kind of love. Knowing the differences is the big key. Knowing each type of love we can separate them. I think this is the big key to it all. To be able to separate sensual love and focus on conscious love.

Psychological Lacking, Psychological Appetite and Psychological Consumption

In sensual love there is always a kind of lacking and that lacking produces a kind of an appetite or psychological hunger or pining. That appetite then makes one mainly concerned with having it satisfied. Which in turn makes us selfish. 

When we are selfish all feelings of tenderness, all that of delicacy and intelligence in feeling seem to disappear. Rough and gruff feeling and behaviour appear, tunnel vision thinking and a kind of very demanding quality appears in our will. 

With sensual love, the main concern is that the lacks be filled. One does not mind the effects of having those lacks fulfilled will have on the other person. One just wants to consume the psychological food that satisfies the psychological lack. Then one wants to feel satisfied with a big full psychological belly and enjoy it, no matter if the other person is worse for wear.

With conscious love one forgets oneself a bit more. One starts to think more of the other person, and starts to consider what would be of benefit to the other person. There in conscious love is a kind of an overcoming, surpassing of that lacking. This is precisely where the switch or transition occurs from sensual to conscious love begins. 

Emotional and sensual love often mix in together. The lacks that people have are usually of the emotional kind. If they happen to be sexual, then really at the bottom of those sexual 'needs or wants' is an emotional base. 

Sensual love is seeing the body, the personality and mind of the other and seeing ourselves as body, personality and mind. What does that really mean?

Just to finish and not make the post too long, it means that when we see the other as body, personality and mind it means that we see the other as good to fulfil the wants of our body, as good to fulfil the acceptances of our personality, and good to fulfil the concepts and patterns of our mind. 

It sounds just right and perfect doesn't it. It starts out that way, but if it is not transcended, in practice it turns out to be painful. 

End (3883).

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