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Sunday 13 September 2020

Love Posts: Happiness Starts when we Start to Love - (3852)

So typically we human beings only really love ourselves. We have like a small circle in which our love works right? And in that small circle there is only really ourselves.

So we have to expand it, a bit at a time to include others or other things into that circle.

We have to love something that is not us. Even if that be a cat, a bird, a dog, a mouse, a crow, a lizard, the oceans, a lake, flowers, a fish, a something. 

When we start to love that something or someone, we care for it/them, we look out for it/them, care for its/their welfare, etc. Doing that allows us to feel a kind of love and can even give us one day a glimpse  of a higher type of love.

Anyway, to be happy, we have to love and to love we need to expand our circle of love to include someone or something else. 

To love something or someone else we have to move, we have go to it or them. We want to be happy, we want to love so it makes sense (coherent) that we should fulfill our own wish to love.

Now here this post gets a bit sour. Our selfishness is our big obstacle to our happiness. We have this selfishness because of ignorance. We ignore the fact that our selfish attitude is not good for us. I'll tell you why our selfish attitude is not good for us.

When we expect others to come to us to fulfill our wishes, especially like the wish to love, we miss out on being humble and kind, and we stay proud and distant. Then the love that we are wishing to create doesn't  grow, not even a tiny bit. Instead we strengthen pride and selfishness, and those two elements are big enemies of love and therefore enemies to our own happiness. 

In working on pride and selfishness love is something that helps to weaken and dissolve them. M.m.m told me once that love is more powerful than pride. Its best then to stick with the more powerful ally right?

End (3852).

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