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Sunday 13 September 2020

Love Posts: What is Love? - (3853)

What is love? Too hard to define it. It is so many things. I'm not going to try to give another definition of it. I'm going to rather focus on how we commonly see love and from there draw some light for improvement.

Lets speak about love from the esoteric teachings point of view. Love is something cosmic. It is something that is all around and comes to us from the heights. Love comes from the spheres of supra-consciousness. From where the Being of each one of us dwells. The Divine Mother it is said is the 'root, bud, trunk of love".

Love comes from the Absolute. Of all the planets the one which emanates the most and highest quality of love is the Sun. Love is an energy which is diffused into the whole of nature and some of those particles of love are within human beings in certain parts of their body more than in other parts. 

We have major difficulty in perceiving this love streaming from its source from way way up there somewhere. We only see its manifestations here in the physical world. This is the problem. 

We human beings always seek love but because our view is limited to the physical world and then further limited to the body, we seek it only in our body. In our heart and in our sexual organs. 

Because of love so many crazy things have been done. People are sometimes prepared to commit crimes to fulfill their love, often with love appears tragedy. So often for a person to fall in love is to fill their life with lots of complications and heart ache. It is precisely that which has burnt many people out. 

The strange thing though is that this love is the love everyone is interested in. In the lustful sensations, fascinating emotions etc. Ok ok but the things we can't avoid with this love is that it burns. It has a high price tag, and that price tag is that it hurts.

This love that burns people out is the sensual love and the emotional love. This love is a fire that we jump into and it burns us or consumes us reducing us to ashes. But there are other loves such as the conscious or divine love that do not do this. 

Conscious love has its own perspective or view and its outlook is very broad, it encompasses the source of love which is the sun, and beyond the sun - the Absolute. But a bit more closer to us, our source of love is our Being. 

This is the key because when we acknowledge that the source of love is above and beyond us, we will look for it in higher areas within ourselves and we will wish to purify the love we have to make it closer in nature to the way it is in the higher parts of ourselves.

There is love in our Being and our love comes from our Being. We can not lose love, because it is in our Being. Think about that. Our Being loves the people we like or love. 

So more about this in subsequent later posts. This will do for now, next post. 

End (3853).

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