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Monday 14 September 2020

Love Posts: How Could the Love of a Gnostic Be? - (3855)

The love that a genuine Gnostic feels has to have some sort of description doesn't it? How accurate the description is, is another matter, but the point is the love a Gnostic has some kind of a sentiment, has some kind of: nature, expression, philosophy, guiding direction and characteristics etc. 

No way am I going to do a good job here, but I am just going to write something about it.

Universal and disinterested are two good words. With disinterested being the more important and practically useful word.

No doubt to have a love that is of these two words, implies a lot of psychological death.

The Gnostic would be very wise and watchful over his or her love, always making sure it is well directed and is serving the work, the Being, the path, the Great Cause (spiritual benefit of others).

A love that is universal and wide, that loves the stars, the oceans, the sky, the plants, the galaxies, the vast infinite, human beings, the earth, animals great and small, and above all, the Being and the Being of the Being!

All this talk of love is worse than useless, disappointing and shameful without the psychological death. So love for the Gnostic is the death of the ego!

The Gnostic would be alert to the movement towards the sensual and emotional love as he/she knows there is pain there. But if moved there, he/she knows work and transformation is a real, and is a law of the cosmos available to all who invoke it.

End (3855).

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