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Monday 14 September 2020

Love Posts: Don't Stop Loving - (3857)

Good Advice

This is really good advice here for the whole length of our life.

Don't stop loving!


Because love is the only thing really that inspires you and fills you with the force of life. What else is there that does that, that is not love?  Not much else right?

Love is in the Being and the Being is love. To stop loving is something that goes against our very own Being. 

Love is a huge benefactor, it is the one that has really bestowed all the things that we have upon us. Even the difficult, hard and rough things have been because of some kind of love - intending that we return to love again, but conscious love.

Love must be allowed to flow and glow like the sun, continually giving and receiving, continually reinvigorating our life. as our heart beats non-stop, it must also love non-stop. Renewing our inner life.

Hide Your Love if Worried Don't Kill it!

Of course there will always be people and circumstances that will like to take advantage of your love, and so this is where we need wisdom to guard and protect our love, not allowing that we be taken advantage of.

Wisdom would say, the way to protect your love is to hide it rather than kill it.

Whatever you do, don't kill your love, because if you do you will start to dry up like a sultana and become bitter like a grape fruit. Life will lose meaning. You'll start in other words, to kill your life.

End (3857).

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